Month: March 2013

  • Happy Easter & Resurrection Sunday

    I am full of joy today! What a great long weekend it’s been with a good cause for celebration :)

    Contrary to what you may have thought, Easter is NOT about Jesus dying and turning into a giant bunny who gives chocolate eggs to little children.

    Jesus, what big ears you have!


    This special day however, is about Jesus dying on “Good Friday” as the perfect holy sacrifice for all our sins, and rising again three days later. So that now all of us may be children of God, enjoying real freedom, joy, peace, blessings, THE LIFE! Death and sin is conquered, we will one day be with Him for eternity.

    For those who are thinking the resurrection is all a made-up fairy tale, do read on for historical evidences that point to it being real.


    Is the resurrection of Jesus Christ an historical event that really happened, or is it only a myth, as many atheists claim? While no one witnessed the actual resurrection, many people swore they saw the risen Christ after his death, and their lives were never the same.

    Archaeological discoveries continue to support the Bible’s historical accuracy. We tend to forget that the Gospels and book of Acts are eyewitness accounts of the life and death of Jesus. Further nonbiblical evidence for Jesus’ existence comes from the writings of Flavius JosephusCornelius Tacitus,Lucian of Samosata, and the Jewish Sanhedrin. The following seven proofs of the resurrection show that Christ did, indeed, rise from the dead.

    The Resurrection Proof #1: The Empty Tomb of Jesus

    The empty tomb may be the strongest proof Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Two major theories have been advanced by unbelievers: someone stole Jesus’ body or the women and disciples went to the wrong tomb. The Jews and Romans had no motive to steal the body. Christ’sapostles were too cowardly and would have had to overcome the Roman guards. The women who found the tomb empty had earlier watched Jesus being laid away; they knew where the correct tomb was. Even if they had gone to the wrong tomb, the Sanhedrin could have produced the body from the right tomb to stop the resurrection stories. Jesus’ burial clothswere left neatly folded inside, hardly the act of hurrying grave robbers. Angels said Jesus had risen from the dead.

    The Resurrection Proof #2: The Holy Women Eyewitnesses

    The holy women eyewitnesses are further proof that the Gospels are accurate historical records. If the accounts had been made up, no ancient author would have used women for witnesses to Christ’s resurrection. Women were second class citizens in Bible times; their testimony was not even allowed in court. Yet the Bible says the risen Christ first appeared to Mary Magdalene and other holy women. Even the apostles did not believe Mary when she told them the tomb was empty. Jesus, who always had special respect for these women, honored them as the first eyewitnesses to his resurrection. The male Gospel writers had no choice but to report this embarrassing act of God’s favor, because that was how it happened.

    The Resurrection Proof #3: Jesus’ Apostles’ New-Found Courage

    After the crucifixion, Jesus’ apostles hid behind locked doors, terrified they would be executed next. But something changed them from cowards to bold preachers. Anyone who understands human character knows people do not change that much without some major influence. That influence was seeing their Master, bodily risen from the dead. Christ appeared to them in the locked roomon the shore of the Sea of Galilee, and on the Mount of Olives. After seeing Jesus alive, Peter and the others left the locked room and preached the risen Christ, unafraid of what would happen to them. They quit hiding because they knew the truth. They finally understood that Jesus is God incarnate, who saves people from sin.

    The Resurrection Proof #4: Changed Lives of James and Others

    Changed lives are yet another proof of the resurrection. James, the brother of Jesus, was openly skeptical that Jesus was the Messiah. Later James became a courageous leader of the Jerusalem church, even being stoned to death for his faith. Why? The Bible says the risen Christ appeared to him. What a shock to see your own brother, alive again, after you knew he was dead. James and the apostles were effective missionaries because people could tell these men had touched and seen the risen Christ. With such zealous eyewitnesses, the early church exploded in growth, spreading west from Jerusalem to Rome and beyond. For 2,000 years, encounters with the resurrected Jesus have changed lives.

    The Resurrection Proof #5: Large Crowd of Eyewitnesses

    A large crowd of more than 500 eyewitnesses saw the risen Jesus Christ at the same time. The Apostle Paul records this event in 1 Corinthians 15:6. He states that most of these men and women were still alive when he wrote this letter, about 55 A.D. Undoubtedly they told others about this miracle. Today, psychologists say it would be impossible for a large crowd of people to have had the same hallucination at once. Smaller groups also saw the risen Christ, such as the apostles, andCleopas and his companion. They all saw the same thing, and in the case of the apostles, they touched Jesus and watched him eat food. The hallucination theory is further debunked because after the ascension of Jesus into heaven, sightings of him stopped.

    The Resurrection Proof #6: Conversion of Paul

    The conversion of Paul records the most drastically changed life in the Bible. As Saul of Tarsus, he was an aggressive persecutor of the early church. When the risen Christ appeared to Paul on the Damascus Road, Paul became Christianity’s most determined missionary. He endured five floggings, three beatings, three shipwrecks, a stoning, poverty, and years of ridicule. Finally the Roman emperor Nero had Paul beheaded because the apostle refused to deny his faith in Jesus. What could make a person willingly accept—even welcome—such hardships? Christians believe the conversion of Paul came about because he encountered Jesus Christ who had risen from the dead.

    The Resurrection Proof #7: They Died for Jesus

    Countless people have died for Jesus, absolutely certain that the resurrection of Christ is an historical fact. Tradition says ten of the original apostles died as martyrs for Christ, as did the Apostle Paul. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of early Christians died in the Roman arena and in prisons for their faith. Down through the centuries, thousands more have died for Jesus because they believed the resurrection is true. Even today, people suffer persecution because they have faith that Christ rose from the dead. An isolated group may give up their lives for a cult leader, but Christian martyrs have died in many lands, for nearly 2,000 years, believing Jesus conquered death to give them eternal life.

    (This article is written by Jack Zavada from


    Hear it from scientists themselves on The History Channel’s investigative documentary. The 3D imagery formed on the Shroud of Turin (Jesus’s burial cloth) could only be formed by advanced technology of light rays across his face when, as they theorize, Jesus was resurrected. He is the Light of the world after all!

    In the end, the biggest proof one could ever have, is the realness of a changed life, the experiences and relationship with our Father in heaven. I am so thankful. God bless, happy Easter :) x

  • Art in Film Festival at Dusk 2013

    On my way to Tanjong Beach Club….


    When was the last time you caught a film, with toes in the sand, head in the clouds?

    Welcome to the Art in Film Festival at Dusk, where art buffs and curious cats enjoy the freedom to lounge, watch and gorge on film, food and festivity! All on the sandy beaches of Sentosa!


    This year’s inaugural event showcased an array of interesting, award-winning art films and documentaries:


    Had a delish fish & chips dinner at the TBC restaurant before heading over to the beckoning twinkling lights, where the rows of deck chairs awaited movie-goers.

    AFFD is a cinematic experience that fuses film with improvised performances, art and food.

    These girls were a human “popcorn vending machine”, give them your ticket and enjoy the little performance as they churn out your packet of popcorn!


    The film playing that night:

    I’m a huge fan of his fascinating & complex work! Powerful, neoexpressionism in a distinctive graffiti style. 


    Who needs a mega cineplex when you can do the same thing.. but with the ocean breeze under the stars? 

     The Radiant Child was a very engaging documentary about the brilliant Jean-Michel, the pulsating art world of New York City in the 90s, his struggles as a black artist…and his ultimately tragic death. I highly recommend you find it and watch it!

    If I could, I would have gone down for more screenings of the other docu-films AFFD had selected. All top-notch, critically-acclaimed. And, the beach experience was truly memorable and wonderful. Gold Class in nature ;)  I can only wait till next year’s festival! x


    Retail Therapy

    Now this won’t ever go out of style :)

    fun updates & latest news –

    Happy shopping girls! ♥ Dawn

  • Advertorial Feature


    Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”

    2009. My luggage did not arrive when I did. In addition to the stress of worrying if my bags were lost and would even come at all, I had to spend the night without my toiletries nor a change of clothes. The airline of course did not bother to compensate. Well thank God for strong mints.

    2012. An overnight flight delay meant hours of waiting in the airport in the middle of the night, transferring to a hotel cold and hungry, wasting one entire day of time and energy. When I should have been back home attending to important things.


    2013. Did you see this movie about how a family’s happy beach holiday in Phuket turned into a painful tsunami nightmare? True story. At the end, their insurer sent a rep down to whisk them away on their own private jet with medical facilities. Now THAT’S no better time to have VIP treatment!



    Who doesn’t love travel? Every travel experience is a heightening of senses. We broaden our horizons, enrich our minds, satisfy our need for adventure, excitement and discovery.

    But in every trip you make, there is also so much that could go wrong.  You never think it will happen to you, but truth is, you never know.

    I’ve had my own (dreadful) taste of it, hence now I prefer to make sure I’m protected if anything happens again. While out there immersing myself in culture and soaking in a new atmosphere, it is a tremendous relief to know I can enjoy my travel smoothly, worry-free from unexpected situations.  It certainly helps you feel better when you are compensated for your grievances!


    If you are wondering where to get good travel insurance from, perhaps you can try DBS Travellershield by DBS

    Good news is….


    All you have to do is play DBS Solve The Suitcase, crack a 6 digit code and stand a chance to win a pair of tickets in the weekly lucky draw.

    Like the classic game “Mastermind” that I loved playing when I was young….


    … they will give you clues by telling you if your digit is correct, or correct but in the wrong position.

    It’s fun! Especially for people like me who like number games!

    You have 10 tries per day. Once you crack the code you get a qualifying chance for the weekly lucky draw. A new code resets at 12am, so you can play everyday for more chances to win!



    Winner is announced via  and on the game site every Tuesday.

    For this first week, they are giving away tickets to BANGKOK!




    Don’t worry, even if your guesswork is *ahem* pretty lousy and you don’t crack the 6 digit code, you still get a little consolation prize – an addition premium discount for TravellerShield Single Trip Plan :)

    Need more info on TravellerShield coverage options?


    After all, travel should be all fun and games right? x


  • Meeting David Choi

    An intimate affair that was music to my ears.

    A couple of friends and I were really blessed to enjoy a small, private get-together with YouTube star sensation David Choi, where he treated us to a heartfelt acoustic performance of his songs!

    David’s music set me adrift on big fluffy clouds; reminds me of a cozy cuppa hot chocolate, the soft touch of lover’s fingertips trailing golden sunsets.

    Unlike so many of the other so-called “YouTube stars”, he writes and composes his own songs, this guy has huge talent that’s for sure.

    Listen to and watch his videos at

    With David and So-Young, my friend who first met him whilst on a plane to Korea.

    Moral of the story? Strike up a conversation with the person next to you on your flight, you never know who you might meet ;)

    We headed to a Mexican restaurant for dinner afterwards where we all had a good time chatting over tacos and burritos. Fact: David loves the taco trucks in L.A! 

  • Retail Therapy

    And great news for the neighbors… :)


    ♥ Dawn

  • Gonpachi – The “Kill Bill” Restaurant

    I love many of the films Quentin Tarantino makes (Resevoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Four Rooms, Inglorious Basterds…) and Kill Bill is by far one of his biggest cult favorites. Yes, you know the movie had many Japanese influences… but did you know that tucked away near Roppongi in Tokyo, is the very restaurant that served as inspiration for Mr. Tarantino’s set for Uma Thurman’s bloody (literally) good fight scene?

    Gonpachi, aka “Kill Bill Restaurant” has become the stuff made of secret tourist legend. So of course, dinner reservations were in order.

    Does the background look vaguely familiar yet?
    No stars here but the place gave me a bit of that star struck feeling… it was pretty cool to be there! 
    I just needed a hundred men in suits to slaughter, then the experience would be complete. 

    Now let’s see more…

    It is one of the more unique eateries in Tokyo I’ve dined at, housed in a simple yet imaginative re-created kura (traditional Japanese warehouse) with a high ceiling and three levels of seating and an open kitchen. Business was very brisk in the upbeat place, loud chatter and eruptions of raucous laughter permeated the air. And yes, more than half the restaurant was filled with tourists :) But who cares, when the food was surprisingly good and prices reasonable for a place of such claim to fame.

    Good place to start the night in Tokyo before venturing into the manic playground of Roppongi.

    Look out for photos of Quentin Tarantino’s visit at the lobby!



    1-13-11 Nishi Azabu, Tokyo

    Phone 03/5771-0170

  • Future Music Festival 2013

    Check out this super cool psychedelico video to see what it’s all about plus the fantastic line-up of acts. Can I say again how impressed I was by the video? 

    Fans of trance, you are in a for a real treat.

    The event on Day 1 will be dedicated solely to celebrate Armin’s legendary 600th world expedition ‘A State of Trance’ (ASOT600) show!

    ++ WIN a pair of weekend passes! ++

    If you’re 18 years and above then here’s how:

    - Share on your Facebook about Future Music Festival Asia 2013 and why you want to go. 

    - Take a screenshot of your post

    - Email it to with the subject header ” FMA” with your name and contact number.

    - I will select my favorite entry to win.

    - Closing date: 7 March 2013. Winner will be contacted by 8 March.

    For the rest of you, get your tickets at and I’ll see you in Kuala Lumpur! x

    Good times when I was invited to last year’s edition down under.  :)